Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Reason 2,364 Why My Neighbor Hank Rocks.

My neighbor Hank is pretty cool. He's a genuinely nice dude, he and his family are great people to live next door to, and he absolutely LOVES the Prince, so anyone who's that nice to my kid is good in my book.

I shall now offer to you reason 2,364 why my neighbor Hank rocks.

Sunday afternoon, my kitchen. Hank is chatting with the King (random nerd things, I presume) when he hears the dulcet tones of the OTHER neighbor's obnoxious Lab and Beagle wailing outside my window. (This is a VERY regular occurrence, one that has caused us great grief since these people moved in. That's another post for another time.)

Him: WHAT is that?
Us: The dogs next door. Nice, huh?
Him: Oh wow. That's awful. Happen a lot?
Us: Every day of our lives.
*Hank falls in to deep thought*
Him: I've got it. We can hook up speakers on your deck, and I've got some recordings of ultrasonic sounds..not audible to the human ear, but it sure would shock those dogs. I know just how to set it up. Cause, damn..that's annoying.

Hank rocks. Why the hell didn't we think of that? (It pays to live next door to an audio engineer, I suppose!)