Monday, April 28, 2008

Duh, Mom.

My son is playing with his Leap Pad, and the little shit has figured out how to beat the system. Don't know the answer? Hit it twice and it tells you! Figured it out all on his own.

So the hubs and I are listening to him cheat (THAT'S RIGHT, SON, YOU ARE CHEATING AT LEAP PAD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?) for the umpteenth time. This is the exchange that followed:

Us: If you can't figure out the answer, use a less difficult book. Don't cheat.

Him: I have to.

Us: No, you don't. TRY to give the correct answer.

Him: But I can't, my brain doesn't know the correct answer!

Hm. Hard to argue with that logic, bud.

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