Thursday, April 17, 2008

Pandora Whor-ah

A little while back, Stacy posted about a website she found, called Pandora. For this, I am eternally grateful. I now pledge my undying love for her and her internet findings.

Pandora is omnipotent. It is magical. If it were a hot guy, I'd totally make out with it.

Here's how it works: You select an artist, say, New Kids On The Block. DON'T YOU JUDGE ME! Ok, so you put in the artist, and Pandora waves her magical wand and *poof!* NKOTB are soothing me with their melodic sounds. THEN (and this is the best part!) it starts to pull other songs from artists in the same vein. So after I teleported back from 7th grade (oh Donnie Whalberg, how I loved thee....) it started to play songs by Tiffany, N*Sync, and various other teeny-bopper music. Quelle awesome! You also have the option to rate the songs while they're playing, so it learns what you like and dislike. Quelle awesome, again!

With this, you can create a myriad of stations (I have everything from NKOTB to The Supremes, Billy Joel to Daughtry...whatever mood I'm in, Pandora knows what I'm looking for...I'm telling you..magical) and here's where it gets even cooler- you can share these stations with your friends, and they can listen to what you've got in your playlist and conversely, you can listen to theirs. For instance, my co-worker listens to a completely different style of music than I do, but I am open to listening to new things, so I click on her station...and what do you know? I liked it! Songs I didn't know I knew...and hey, I have the artist names now! Thank you Pandora!

The best part about this? Free. Totally free.

Try it, I guarantee you're going to love it. Seriously.


Unknown said...


Kristen G. said...

I am hooked too! My co workers are going to love you!

The Queen said...

Yay Kristen! Isn't it awesome?