Friday, March 14, 2008

Springy Sprung Sprunging. Oh yes, I just typed that.

After an all too long winter, it appears that Spring will finally be sprunging. Yes, I just typed "sprunging". 13 years of Catholic School education just went right out the window, and somewhere in the distance, my mother just had a total conniption from my misuse of the English language, though she doesn't know why. Just for her benefit, I'll say it again. Sprunging. Spring will finally be sprunging.

Love you, Mom!

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, it was above the 50 degree mark. We celebrated this monumentous occasion by taking the prince out for a bike ride, though with him it is more like "chase the 4 year old and try to stop him before he rides the Hot Wheels bike in to the street". Good times. We even took the princess, though she whined and barked the whole time, and is now shooting every human in the castle the evil eye when they look at her. A cranky Westie, that one is.

I'm praying that mother nature isn't being a trampy little tease and giving me a taste of this and then going to make it snow by mid week. I need some nice weather STAT.

You think I'm kidding? I'm on my fifth round of "Hail Marys" as I type....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the new banner!