Sunday, March 9, 2008

Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone.

So this will be one to file under "random" but I'm so irritated by this I just had to get it off my chest.

This afternoon the Prince and I went to lunch with my mother. The restaurant was packed; evidently there was a gathering of some members of The Salvation Army there, and they were sprinkled throughout the restaurant. The only open table we could find was behind a group of 3 boys and 3 girls, all whom appeared to be 14 years old or so.

They were fairly well behaved, just sort of loud, as groups of teens sometimes can be when they're out together. Talking about their prayer groups, meeting up at the teen center, excitedly making plans for a mission trip they're going to be taking. At one point, they all kind of broke out in to song, singing what appeared to be a hymn of some sort, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah...etc". No biggie, I'm all for being in to your faith if that's what you do. More power to ya.

Here comes my problem.

I hear them start to giggle and they're motioning towards the door. There's a girl leaving with her family. A tall girl. A VERY TALL girl. So these christ-loving sweethearts sitting behind me start mocking this girl, and making fun of her in such a manner that I honestly wanted to cry for her, and was so thankful she was out of the restaurant and could not hear what they were saying. "Hah, she's a giraffe!" "Look, she's so tall she has to duck to get in her car!" "She's the Empire State Building, she's so tall!" It was breaking my heart, and it left me feeling very sad.

But then, the more I thought about it, the more angry I got. What the hell, kids? That behavior is so're talking about your church activities, your prayer groups, your missions to help others. Yet, here you sit, mocking one of your fellow church members. Loudly. In Public.

Not very Christ-like behavior, if you ask me.

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